
Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Key to Zero Credit Balance

Here is a person relates his experiences on how to have no credit balance in his credit card.

He said, in the past 10 years he has zeroed his our credit card balances three different times: first was through a debt consolidation plan in 2000, second was through a homerefinancing loan in 2003, and third was through a personal loan from a bank in 2007.

Each time he paid the cards off, he ran the balances back up within a year. He finally learned that paying them off doesn't guarantee they'll stay paid off. The secret is to pay them off and stop using them!

Finally he said, at this point, he has only one card, has stopped using it, and are in the process of paying it off. Every time he make that monthly payment, he reminds himself what he could be doing instead of paying off this credit card.

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