
Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow

Thursday, June 11, 2009

7 Bad Attitudes that Lead to DEBT

Going into debt is the symptom of a larger problem. You don't spend excessive money on "stuff" unless you have a void somewhere in your life that you are trying to fill. If you don't have discipline and strong will, you will want (and buy) things that other people have even though you can't afford them.

So here are the 7 behavior, and how can they lead to being out of control with money?

  • Envy — Seeing your neighbor drive up in a brand-new car can cause you to be envious of what they have (though they are probably broke and bought something they couldn't afford). If you are so desperate to feel equal or even better than those around you, you'll buy way too many things and destroy your chances of building wealth.

  • Pride — This can happen when you try to do the "90 days same-as-cash" routine. You buy a TV or major appliance and promise to pay it off on the 87th day. Then something happens. You go on vacation and forget the deadline. You accidentally forgeot to make payment and can't afford the payoff. Don't try to use the system to beat the system. It will always come back and bite you.

  • Sloppy— Not paying attention to your bank account, or the terms of a loan, or not being proactive with your money, will eventually cause you to not have any. Your spending will get away from you. Stay on top of your money.

  • Greed — This one almost goes without saying. Many times we want what we can't have. Trying to get something before it's the right time will get you in big-time money trouble. You'll get a loan for a new car and make $600 payments for 5 years. If you don't make those payments, the car will get repossessed and you will have no peace of mind.

  • Anger— This can happen when you talk to debt collectors. Their job is to make you mad, embarrassed or scared. If they scream and insult you, and you pay them before the light bill, you are not prioritizing well. Work hard, work overtime and be smart with money. Keep a cool head when the heat is on, and you'll survive.

  • Stingy — you feel loss if you give. Money can buy fun, but not happiness. If you try to keep all of the money you make for yourself and only spend it (never giving it away or helping others), then money will only bring fun and not happiness. Fun things aren't as fun after a while. If you eat enough lobster, it tastes like soap. Helping others brings happiness, but if you never give then you'll never learn that lesson.
  • Lust — There has never been a rich addict. If you have a problem with any sort of vice (drinking, gambling, pornography, etc.) or anything else, your addiction will cause you to spend, spend, spend. That will lead to more than just a ruined bank account; it will lead to ruined relationships, careers and lives.

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